When the provident fund loan is made, you will check the credit information twice. Generally speaking, the personal credit will be checked once when the loan is reviewed, and it will continue to be checked once before lending. Check the personal credit report again before lending to prevent the user from generating debt before lending. If it is found that the provident fund is overdue before lending, the bank will not lend, and the borrower must pay off and issue a settlement certificate or wait until the personal credit information is updated before lending. But in fact, the rules of loan review and personal credit inquiry in each bank and city are different, so the frequency of inquiry is likely to change.
What should be paid attention to in provident fund loans?
1. Criteria for applying for provident fund loans: the provident fund has been paid in full 12 months (inclusive) and was paid when applying for loans;
2. Whether the asset preparation is safe: the personal provident fund loan amount is limited, and buyers should be prepared for the down payment;
3. Are the materials prepared in advance: such as the borrower's identity certificate, household registration book, house purchase contract, academic certificate or professional qualification certificate, marriage certificate (marriage certificate is required for married people, divorce certificate or divorce agreement is required for divorced people, etc.). ), down payment tax bill.
Conditions for applying for provident fund loans
1, participate in the provident fund deposit, and have paid the provident fund in full for 6 months or more than 1 year before the loan;
2. The borrower has a relatively stable income, has the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan, and has no outstanding loan when applying for the loan;
3. The borrower's personal credit is good, and there is no bad credit record such as loans overdue;
4. The borrower has paid the down payment for the house purchase, which is usually 30% of the total house price;
5. When applying for provident fund loans, the borrower and the other half of the family have no outstanding personal provident fund loans. If either party has outstanding personal provident fund loans, it is impossible to apply for provident fund loans.