Step one: Find the college student loan website and select the student online service system (college). Borrowing students can apply for student loans, repay early, check loan status and repayment on the student online service system. Plan and repayment records, make changes to personal information, changes to borrower information, and changes to personal accounts.
Step 2: Enter your account number and password to log in to the student online service system 1. ID card; login name 2. Password 3. Verification code If you forget your login name, you can use your ID number to log in to the system; if you forget your password, you can try To use the password retrieval function to reset the login password, you can contact 95593 (Monday to Friday 9:00-11:30 am, 13:30-17:30 pm) or the staff of the County Funding Center to reset the login password.
Step 3: Find the loan and repayment inquiry. Log in to the student online service system and view the repayment account information in "Loan and Repayment Inquiry" or "Loan Contract". There are two ways to log in to the student online service system, one is to log in using your ID card, and the other is to log in using your login name. You can choose either of these two login methods. If you forget your password, you can retrieve it by answering prompt questions or by answering system questions. Of course, you will need to enter a new password after you answer the question correctly. Remember to remember the new password after recharging the password, otherwise it will be troublesome to reset the password every time you log in.