1. Apply for a credit card: Maintaining a credit card is the fastest and most effective way to repair it. No matter you have a white or black credit card, as long as you have a credit card, you can successfully repair your credit card through your own efforts. letter. Households can increase the success rate of applying for a card by depositing time deposits, purchasing bank financial products, lowering their own requirements, etc. After improving their personal credit, they can apply for large bank loans.
2. Certification materials: When applying for a bank loan, in addition to personal credit, the more important thing is basic personal information and proof of financial resources. You can make some optimizations in the work information and income information columns. For example, in job positions, ordinary employees can be written as team leaders, supervisors, etc. Remember that the position must match the annual income and do not overexaggerate; the longer the tenure, the better, preferably more than one year.
3. Mortgage certificate: If the borrower has relatively strong assets and has fixed qualifications such as shops, real estate, cars, etc., it will be easier to apply for a bank loan. You can give priority to mortgage loans. In the case of collateral, the lending institution's credit requirements for the borrower will be much lower. This will not only increase the success rate of loan application, but also obtain a higher credit limit.