The borrower has poor qualifications. If you want to successfully pass the examination of bank credit loans, you must safeguard your personal credit. In addition, the borrower should not be too old, and the age and loan period should not exceed 65 years old. If the credit is tainted or the age does not meet the requirements, it will lead to the refusal of the loan. You know, bad credit records will be eliminated in five years, and you can wait until the credit is automatically eliminated before submitting a loan application. Or you can choose other people with good credit information to help you apply for a bank loan.
The application materials contain false elements. In many cases, the failure of Renren's bank loan review is because the information submitted by users is contradictory or has a large initial entry with the real situation. This is the result of everyone's fraud. Therefore, if you want to pass the bank loan review, I suggest that you can optimize your personal data on a real basis. Otherwise, once the bank suspects fraud, it will not only be refused loans, but may even be blacklisted and become their refused users.