Consumers should be careful not to be used by criminals in consumer transactions. Be sure to read the contract transaction clearly. If anything is wrong, keep the evidence and call the police immediately. When something happens, you can discuss it with others. Don't make a decision in a hurry. Nowadays, there are more and more social routines, and many people want to take advantage of the law.
What evidence should consumers pay attention to if they are found to be routine? Evidence materials reflecting the formation and development of the legal relationship between the parties, such as purchase invoices, documents for receiving services, processing contracts, custody contracts and other documents.
Evidence reflecting the existence of damage facts, such as samples with product quality problems, inspection and appraisal conclusions of subject matter, etc.
Loss list, documents, on-site investigation records and other materials that can prove economic losses.
According to the civil procedure law and the rules of evidence in civil procedure, the parties have the responsibility to provide evidence for their claims? According to the regulations, when a consumer brings a dispute lawsuit about the consumer's rights and interests to the court, he must provide corresponding evidence to prove his claim, not only the fact that there is a civil legal relationship between the parties, but also the fact that the civil rights and interests of the parties have been damaged.