Personal car loans, personal travel loans, national student loans. A closed-end credit is a loan or type of credit in which all funds are released at the end of the loan and must be paid back by a specific date, including interest and financing charges. This type of loan may require periodic payments of principal and interest, or it may require payment of the principal in full at maturity. Many financial institutions also refer to closed credit as "installment loans" or "secured loans." All three types of loans have specific purpose requirements. Personal car loans are mainly used to purchase cars, personal travel loans are mainly used for tourism consumption, and national student loans are mainly used to pay tuition, accommodation and other educational expenses. The bank directly transfers the funds to the designated account or purpose according to the loan purpose to ensure that the funds are not misappropriated. The amounts of these three types of loans are determined based on the borrower's application and qualifications and are clearly stipulated in the loan contract. Once a borrower obtains a loan, they must use the loan in accordance with the amount and purpose specified in the contract, and cannot increase or decrease the loan amount at will.