The reason for the loan must be the applicant’s identity information, work situation, family situation, etc., and then clearly count the reasons for the loan. Usually, the most common reason for loans is consumer loans, which are mainly suitable for home improvement, marriage, travel, etc. There are many banks that have specialized loan products in this area to choose from, and some banks need to provide corresponding basis. Another reason is that due to business loans, borrowers who choose business loans need to provide documents such as business licenses and provide valid business certificates. The last reason is credit lending, which mainly relies on the customer's credit report. Reasons for loan rejection
If the borrower's money is tight, then choosing a loan can help solve the urgent need. Regardless of whether the borrower borrows money from a bank or financial institution, the explanation of the reason for the loan must not indicate that the loan will be repaid. Although repaying the loan with a loan is the user's original intention to help reduce some of the borrowing burden, most banks will The borrower will be rejected as unable to repay. In addition, the reason for borrowing cannot be written as investment and financial management. Financial management investment has certain risks, and banks or financial institutions will not release funds to high-risk groups. Usually the reasons can be written as consumption, education, tourism, etc.