First of all, you must be clear about your debts, list all the online loans borrowed, and count the repayment time, repayment amount, amount owed, and whether to apply for credit information. Then determine the priority of repayment. For example, online loans with credit information must give priority to repayment to avoid credit damage caused by overdue. Then sort by repayment time and amount owed.
If the borrower's repayment ability is relatively stable, you can also increase the collection by doing part-time work, and it is best to repay independently. If it is difficult to repay on your own, you can only rely on external forces, such as borrowing money from relatives and friends and writing IOUs. And you can agree on the repayment period and give some interest appropriately.
If the borrower borrows too much online loans and cannot repay them, it will be overdue, and the overdue time will be long and the amount will be large, and the debt with interest will become larger and larger. In this case, it is recommended to actively contact the loan platform to see if repayment can be negotiated. If we can negotiate successful repayment, stop interest calculation and extend the repayment period, then landing is just around the corner.