If the loan application amount is successful, what will happen if you don't want to borrow?
Successful loan application is not a loan, but a credit line. If you don't use the line, there will be no charge, and you can't cancel it manually, but it is not without consequences. We still need to understand the following points:
1, the credit will be recorded.
Most platforms give credit to borrowers not only by looking at personal basic information, but also by looking at the credit records on the credit information, so they will check the credit information for the reasons of loan approval. Even if there is no real loan, they will leave a hard inquiry record on the inquiry record.
In a short time, such records will be too frequent and will not be eliminated manually. They will only be kept for nearly two years, which can reflect the applicant's economic situation and repayment ability from the side.
2. The quota will be cancelled.
The success of the loan line application is not static, and the platform will adjust it irregularly according to the applicant's loan record, current credit status and other factors. Coupled with the regulatory impact, the lending scale of the loan platform has tightened and the quota has been tight. The quota application has not been used, and it is likely to be withdrawn.
Instead of wasting resources, it is better to give places to those who really need them. After all, if the quota is useless, it will not generate interest, and the loan platform will have to make money.
3. Loan needs assessment.
In fact, a successful application for a quota may not necessarily lead to a loan. When applying for a quota, it should be evaluated, and when borrowing money, it will still be evaluated, but the two evaluations are different, and the latter will be more stringent.
The above is the introduction of "I don't want to borrow money after the loan application quota is successful", and I hope it will help everyone.