The bank loan amount of Alipay online merchants suddenly became zero, which may be due to the following four situations. You can learn about it.
1, system reason.
Maintenance, upgrades and updates occur frequently. It is normal to close for a short time without a quota. It is recommended to refresh it later, or check the official announcement.
2. Reduced quota.
If there is any violation, brushing, punishment, etc. In the process of use, then Alipay will take some measures such as reducing the quota.
3. reputation.
In the event of personal credit problems such as overdue payment, Alipay will definitely freeze the closing authority directly.
4、tx .
Although the loan can be repaid in advance, if you often borrow it for a few days and repay it immediately, then the loan may think that your demand for this product is not great, so it is easy to be blocked.