This is a report issued by the Companies Registry of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:
This is the report number "RNC063" and the name is "New/Registered and Modified" A text-only version of the report "List of Companies with Names". This report was created on November 4, 2013, and contains 4197 related records from October 28, 2013 to November 3, 2013 to ***.
Each chronological meeting is set as a section in the report, and each section is subdivided into 6 information.
Each data will be separated by a tab [symbol]. The order of the 6 data is "sequential number", "current English company name", "current Chinese company name", "company" Registration number", "Incorporation/Registration date (day-month-?)", "Name change date (day-month-?)".
Hong Kong Brilliant (Asia) Investment Co., Ltd. 1988522 30-10-2013