Many people are anxious because they can't wait for the bank loan after submitting the application materials, so they also want to know whether the bank loan queue can be expedited. If you want to get a loan from a bank, you must meet the application conditions for the loan before you can get a loan. You need a stable job and income to match your age. Try not to overdue the repayment period, so as not to affect your credit information. If there are many overdue phenomena during the repayment period, it will be blacklisted directly. If you are willing to raise interest rates in the process of submitting a mortgage application, then you can give priority to approval. Moreover, the queuing of bank loans can also be expedited. Fees range from 500 yuan to 800 yuan.
1. Can the bank loan be expedited?
1 This is a common situation. At present, the quota of banks is basically tight, and only a few banks have relatively loose quotas, so it is common that loans are difficult because of the quota problem.
There are many ways to speed up lending. Please consult the bank, and they will tell you how to speed up the loan.
For example, find someone to open ETC (I don't know if the bank you apply for a loan has ETC tasks)
Buy wealth management, insurance, precious metals, or other suitable ways, specifically ask the bank.
Second, bank loans are queued for urgent charges.
1. After the loan is approved for transfer, the loan is issued with a receipt, and the cost is between 500 and 800, so you can get the money within 7 days after the transfer, which is not until the property right certificate comes down.
2. If the mortgage certificate is sent to the bank after the real estate license comes down, it will take about 5 to 7 working days to lend money. This time is also divided into two types: one is to expedite the processing of the property right certificate, and the cost ranges from 500 to 800, so that the property right certificate will be issued in 3 to 7 days, and the loan will be released about 5 working days after the mortgage certificate is sent to the bank. This time will definitely be completed in 15 days; The second is normal operation. The time is 15 to 20 days, and then the mortgage certificate is sent to the bank for loan in about 5 working days.