There is no rule saying no, but whether to give you a loan depends on the bank. Evaluate the risk of lending you money and lend it to you if possible. But as far as the current loan policy is concerned, it is not good to lend, and the risk is too great!
Second, after I have made a guarantee for others, can I still borrow money to buy a house?
Yes, you can.
Your guarantee amount belongs to your contingent liabilities. As long as you have a good credit record and a stable family income, you can of course apply for loans, including housing loans, real estate mortgage loans or second-hand housing loans.
A guarantor is a guarantor. According to the Guarantee Law, the third party and the creditor agree that when the debtor fails to perform the debt, the guarantor will perform the debt or bear the responsibility according to the agreement. The third party here is the guarantor, including legal persons, other organizations or citizens who have the ability to pay off debts on their behalf, and the creditors here are both creditors of the principal debt. Here, the performance of debt or the assumption of responsibility according to the agreement is called guarantee debt, and some people call it guarantee responsibility.
Extended data:
The guarantor's responsibility:
You may be sued.
If the borrower defaults and owes money, the bank or financial company will sue you.
You may be declared bankrupt.
If the debt exceeds 30,000 RMB, you may be declared bankrupt.
3. Multiple guarantors are unsafe.
Don't think that just because you have multiple guarantors, you feel safe. Debt is not necessarily borne equally by multiple guarantors. Banks also don't have to choose to collect debts from richer guarantors. Lenders have the right to choose to collect debts from all guarantors or one of them.
4. Death doesn't mean exemption from guarantee.
It depends on what kind of protection it is. In the case of joint guarantee involving multiple guarantees, after the death of the guarantor, his legacy can still be used to repay the debt. However, if it is only a joint guarantee, its legacy does not need to be used to repay debts.