Famous school loan is a credit loan service for college students in China, which aims to help students solve the financial pressure and realize their dreams in advance. "Famous School Loan" fills the gap in the national college student loan market. According to the student's borrowing purpose and personal actual situation, different "prestigious school loan" solutions are tailored for each student.
Problems related to overdue loans of prestigious schools are introduced as follows:
Most college students will apply for installment payment in prestigious schools. If the principal and interest are repaid in time before the repayment date, it will affect the students' personal credit information and will not affect their personal loans and jobs in the future.
If the user is overdue in installments, it needs to be returned in time. Overdue repayment will first affect the user's personal credit and future life and work. And the longer the overdue time, the higher the overdue fee and the greater the burden.
If the loan platform is overdue, there will be special collection personnel to communicate with users. If the loan is not paid, it will affect the users' family and friends. Serious overdue will be prosecuted.
Finally, it should be noted that the interest rate of the famous school loan itself is high, although it is within the reasonable interest rate range stipulated by the state, but with various deposits and handling fees, the interest rate is very high. For example, if the user borrows 20,000 yuan, the platform will first charge a deposit of 4,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the nature of mortgage. If the user is overdue, then this 4000 yuan will be ruined.