Matching principal and interest refers to a repayment method of housing loans, that is, repaying the same amount of loans (including principal and interest) every month during the repayment period.
According to the principle of time value of funds, if the loan time is long and the initial repayment amount is low, the actual payment amount will be higher. It can be seen that the actual assets paid in the form of payment in the average capital are lower than the equal principal and interest. However, this repayment form is more suitable for borrowers with relatively high upfront payment ability.
At the same time, I hope the landlord can tell me the interest rate of your loan, otherwise the interest rate will be difficult to judge.
Specific reference formula:
Monthly repayment amount = (loan principal/repayment months)+(principal-accumulated amount of repaid principal) × monthly interest rate.
Add up the annual amount of 12 ***240 for 20 years to get the result. This calculation can be easily obtained by a financial calculator.