How to get a loan without a credit card? Credit card and loan are actually two different concepts. They belong to different banking products, and there are certain differences in application and approval. Generally, if there is no credit card, it will not affect the loan. You can still borrow money to buy a car or a house without a credit card, but you need to meet the following conditions.
1. The information should be complete and true. If there is no credit card to apply for personal consumption loan, the borrower needs to provide more sufficient information, such as his valid identity certificate, marriage certificate, income certificate and other valid financial proof. These materials should be prepared before the loan, and should be true and reliable, and should not be falsified.
2. Personal qualifications must meet the standards. After accepting the loan application, the lending institution will comprehensively evaluate the loan qualifications from the borrower's real estate, income, occupation, credit and education. Among them, financial resources, occupation and income are all important criteria. Generally speaking, employees and civil servants of state-owned enterprises are easy to be approved, and such people are often regarded as "quality customers" by lending institutions. It is not difficult for such people to borrow without credit cards.
3. The loan amount and term should be determined. If the borrower applies for a loan with personal credit as a guarantee, the maximum amount can reach 5,; Without a credit card, if the house is used as collateral, the maximum amount can reach 7% of the appraised value of the house. However, these are just a limitation of the maximum loan amount by the lending institution. The specific amount of loan can be determined according to the borrower's qualification, but the borrower also has to determine the loan amount and term according to his own situation in case he is unable to repay the loan due to excessive repayment pressure.
4. Choose the repayment method according to your own repayment ability. When the borrower chooses the repayment method, it should be comprehensively determined according to your own repayment ability and loan term. If the loan term is less than one year, you can consider one-time repayment of principal and interest; if it is more than one year, and you have high income and strong repayment ability, you can consider average capital; if the repayment ability is average, you can consider equal principal and interest. How to get a loan without a credit card? White household loans have to start from their own conditions, and it is not difficult to do the above four points.