Freakonomics is often described as one of the most popular economics books of all time, for a reason. If you want to know why vendors tend to live with their mothers, what are the similarities between real estate agents and KKK, and which is more dangerous, swimming pools or guns, then this book is very suitable for you. Devil's Economics answers the questions that nobody wants to ask, because they are ridiculous. As the first novel of this kind, this novel can not only make you happy, but also make you look at the world from the perspective of economics, which is simply great for an economics major.
2. Thinking, Fast and Slow
This book was written by Nobel Prize winner Daniel? Kahneman and mathematical psychologist Amos? Tworsky, co-author, has profound insights and challenges the classical economic assumption that people always act rationally. For example, this book explains why we are more likely to believe in bold type and why we are more likely to believe that attractive people are more capable. This novel helps us understand our own decisions and those made by people around us. Reading this article can not only help you make a better decision, but also give you a deeper understanding of behavioral economics, which will certainly help your economics course to some extent.
3. The Undercover Economist
This book must be one of many people's favorite books, mainly because it explains why Starbucks coffee in London Railway Station is so expensive at the beginning, and continues to tell similar real life and related scenes. This book shows you that economics plays an important role in all aspects of your life. Understanding the economics behind these daily things can help you better understand the world.
4. 23 things they don't tell you about capitalism
This book turns the biggest myth in today's society upside down. For example, it explains why washing machines can change people's lives more than the Internet. It is often explained that at the beginning of the novel, despite the name, this book is by no means against capitalism and its goal is not to take sides, but to explain the reality, although he said, "Despite its problems and limitations, I believe that capitalism is still the best economic system invented by mankind. This question will make you question everything you know.
5. Animal Spirits
The reading volume of Animal Spirits is slightly higher than some books on the list, but it is also one of the most important books. This book discusses the role of emotions in economic decision-making, which is very interesting, and also gives a good overview of the basic ideas of Keynesianism, which is very useful if you want to take a degree course in economics or are studying economics. Moreover, this book is very popular with teachers, so you will get the main points if you just say that you have read this book.
6. The Armchair Economist
Economists who talk on paper are much like grotesque economists and undercover economists. They explain the economics in daily life in an interesting and exciting way. The author realized this in the introduction and explained: "Devil economics is to confuse you with facts; This paper-talking economist wants to confuse you with logic. "If you want to know things like,' Why do drivers have more crashes when cars are safer? And "How much life will ordinary people risk to drink a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino?" "Don't act like you don't want to know!"
7. The Black Swan
This is the last book on the reading list of our suggested economics course. Although it is a thick book, the ideas in it are really cool. The central idea of this book is that even if an event is extremely unlikely to happen, for example, a black swan really exists when no one has seen it, it doesn't mean that this event is impossible, because the black swan does exist. The book goes on to explain how a major accident had great consequences. This is also very popular with economics lecturers. If you want to know, this is a good classroom teaching material.