Even if the online loan does not receive credit information, it will leave a record in the online loan big data.
Many people think that only overdue will make us become cyber hackers. In fact, if there are too many applications in the short term, the online lending platform will think that we are at risk of overdue, so we will be marked as cyber hackers.
It is very simple to verify whether you are cyber-black. Just look at your score of cyber-black index, and it will be displayed intuitively.
The sub-standard of network black index is 0- 100. The lower the score, the better the credit. When the score reaches 80, it is already a black household.
It is also easy to restore the normal network black index score. You can wait patiently for 1-3 months and then return to the normal network black index score.
If you borrow online loans for a long time, you must pay attention to your online loan data report to prevent you from becoming a black account because of blind application.
Open WeChat and click Search: Li You Data.
Click Query to view our online loan data report, online loan black index score, online loan application record and hit risk warning.
Among them, the hit risk warning can help us better understand why we were rejected by the online lending platform.