Online loans that are not repaid will be bombarded with phone calls. This is the most common method for Internet loans. Not only the phone number of the person who borrowed the loan will be bombarded, but also the phone numbers of relatives and friends will also be affected. Don’t do this first if you encounter this situation. Scared, because the method they use is illegal. We can collect evidence and call the police, because many online loans have relatively high interest rates, which are illegal, so we can file a lawsuit and pay back the part that should be paid and the part that should not be paid. The portion is not much at all.
Nowadays, early consumption has become a very popular thing among young people. Many young people believe in online loan platforms because of vanity or various reasons. Generally, the interest rates of such loan platforms are relatively high. If you only borrow a few thousand yuan, it is possible that you will have to repay tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands in the end. Then the borrower will definitely not have the money to repay, so these lending institutions will launch phone bombardments or door-to-door threats. Because of this There are not a few people who commit suicide by taking out loans. This is because they borrowed money for a temporary pleasure and did not estimate their ability to repay.
If you really have trouble borrowing money and encounter this kind of debt collection method, we don’t have to be afraid. The first thing is not to commit suicide. After all, living is better than anything else, whether it is phone bombing or door-to-door threats. These are all illegal, especially some platforms will say that they will also call your relatives and friends. This is illegal stealing of other people's private information. This is not allowed. We can protect our own through legal means. Legitimate interests, repay the part that should be paid in full, and not give out any usurious part.
However, I would like to advise today’s young people to see their own strength clearly when taking out a loan. Don’t borrow a lot of money out of enthusiasm because of vanity, just like many college students nowadays. They borrowed campus loans out of vanity, and some even kept nude photos of themselves and were threatened afterwards. This is really unnecessary. No matter how capable you are of accomplishing great things, don’t be fooled by the glamorous world outside.