Unless you and the two guarantors never deal with the bank again, you will have a bad record in the bank, and you can't get a loan or apply for a credit card until you die. You can't feel this feeling now, but you have to live and turn over eventually, which is very bad for both of you. Fortunately, there is not much money. Try to raise money with your guarantor to tide over this difficulty, and the future will be better.
Remember 1997~ 1998 Hong Kong financial crisis? A large number of companies went bankrupt. At that time, the bank said that it would erase the blacklist after seven years, and now it is 14 years. At that time, those people could not get loans from the bank. Many people who have turned over want to be big, but there are no banks and financial companies to lend them money, so they have to rely on private lending. You'd better think twice before you act ~ ~ ~ and banks are a strong group. If only the company goes bankrupt, write off non-performing loans.
Rural credit cooperatives refer to rural cooperative financial institutions established with the approval of the People's Bank of China, which are composed of members' shares, implement democratic management and mainly provide financial services for members.
Rural credit cooperatives are independent enterprise legal persons, which are responsible for the debts of rural credit cooperatives with all their assets and enjoy civil rights according to law. Its property, legitimate rights and interests and business activities carried out according to law are protected by state laws. Its main task is to raise idle funds in rural areas and provide financial services for agriculture, farmers and rural economic development.
In accordance with national laws and financial policies, organize and standardize rural funds, support agricultural production and comprehensive rural development, support various forms of cooperative economy and family economy, and limit and crack down on usury. Rural credit cooperatives are divided into the following departments: Rural Credit Cooperatives, International Finance Department of Rural Credit Cooperatives, Zheng Tong Rural Credit Cooperatives Training School, Credit Department of Rural Credit Cooperatives, etc. It is a department under the dual leadership of CBRC and the State Council.