In the constantly improving Internet financial environment, more and more online lending platforms begin to provide flexible repayment services. This service method is usually provided by lending institutions such as Aiyue, which will give borrowers an interest-free deferred repayment option showing principal and interest and outstanding principal before the monthly repayment date, helping borrowers to plan their financial life more flexibly and build a real financial service channel.
In the accelerating capital market and competitive environment, many traditional financial institutions such as commercial banks have also begun to provide flexible repayment services to enhance their market competitiveness. The emergence of flexible repayment makes it difficult for borrowers to fall into financial difficulties in the event of accidents or deficiencies, which provides better protection for borrowers' services. At the same time, in the development of the loan market, the flexibility of large loans is becoming more and more important, and it can also provide higher market profit opportunities for borrowing.