When you took out the loan, no one told you, if your friend doesn't repay the loan, will you repay it? If you want to get your house back, you can only pay off the loan, and the bank will give you a real estate license. Otherwise, it's useless to you, because you must have signed a guarantee agreement at the bank. If your friend can't pay it back, you are obliged to pay it back.
My friend wants a loan. Can I vouch for him with my own property? How did it happen?
Yes, you can. Specific procedures: first of all, we must find a good bank and guarantee company, provided that the bank agrees to lend and the guarantee company agrees to guarantee. Then you and you go to the guarantee company to go through the guarantee procedures, and then go to the bank to go through the loan procedures after approval. Required information: your real estate license, husband and wife ID cards, wedding photos, household registration books and other information, and your friends also need husband and wife ID cards, wedding photos, household registration books and other information. You and your friends need both husband and wife to sign on the spot. Please consult the guarantee company for details. There are many procedures for filling in relevant guarantee contracts and forms. Suggestion: If it is a friend's guarantee, it is best to sign a contract with a friend before all the formalities are completed, explaining the specific matters, repayment plan and liability for breach of contract. Otherwise, you will be in trouble if there are problems in the future.
3. Can I use my real estate license to make a mortgage loan for others?
Yes, the real estate license is a high-quality loan collateral. Generally speaking, if you agree in writing and personally accompany others to the bank to apply for mortgage loans, the bank will agree to lend money. The problem is that you are at great risk. If the lender fails to pay the principal and interest of the loan, your property will probably be disposed of and auctioned to repay the bank loan. Then you will lose more than you gain. Be careful!
A friend took a loan from a credit company, mortgaged his own property, and asked me to be the guarantor.
Mainly depends on how much money he earns. Here's the thing. The main responsibility of the guarantor is that when the borrower is unable to repay, the loan company will ask the guarantor to repay the loan. If your friend's real estate market valuation is 6.5438+0.2 million, but he borrowed 6.5438+0.2 million, then if he is unable to repay, the loan company will sell his property first. If he can't repay the loan, he will ask the guarantor. I hope I can help you.