Too many credit cards will affect the loan, because when the borrower applies for a loan, the bank will first consider the borrower's repayment ability. If there are too many credit cards, the amount of each credit card is not small, and it has exceeded the borrower's repayment limit, then the loan application will be rejected.
Even if the loan is not rejected, too many credit cards will affect the loan amount. For example, if the borrower applies for a loan of 2 million yuan, the bank may only lend 6.5438+0 million in the end. Because the bank will consider the borrower's monthly income and expenditure, in addition to daily expenses, the borrower may only be able to repay the monthly loan of 654.38 million after paying off the credit card.
It is worth noting that before applying for a loan, all credit cards need to be paid off, and the debt ratio cannot exceed 50%. Debt ratio = total liabilities ÷ total assets.
What are the precautions for using credit cards:
1. Lend to others.
Many people around have credit cards, but when their friends encounter financial problems, they will ask these people who have credit cards to borrow them.
In fact, when the credit card is lent, many people will not return it in time, and they are embarrassed to rush the repayment, fearing that they will lose their friendship. But in this case, it will have a bad influence on your credit information and your credit. In the future, when you borrow money, it will inevitably cause some trouble because of these overdue.
2. There are too many credit cards.
Some people frantically apply for multiple credit cards to get more credit lines. In fact, the more credit cards, the better. If the quantity is too large, it will also affect our credit information.
For ordinary people, enough credit cards are enough. Too many credit cards are troublesome to manage, and it is easy to forget important information such as repayment time and bill date. Therefore, the probability of overdue repayment will increase, which will affect their credit information.
The credit card is overdrawn.
Reasonable use of credit cards is a good thing for us, but blind consumption and continuous use of credit cards in buy buy can easily lead to excessive consumption. In real life, there have been many things that the consumption limit exceeds the repayment ability and leads to overdue.
Therefore, everyone must control their consumption desire when using credit cards. Spend within your tolerance, not over-spend.
4. Minimum repayment amount.
Many people feel that they have the ability to pay back money when they spend money, but when they see a minimum repayment amount, they only pay back the minimum repayment amount. In fact, although the minimum repayment amount will not affect our credit history, it will generate certain interest, and this interest is calculated on a daily basis.