National University of Singapore tuition fees vary depending on the academic system adopted by different majors. General degrees in literature and social sciences only take 2 to 3 years, while medicine majors take 5 years.
Literature and Social Sciences, Science (General Degree)
2 to 3 years, Literature and Social Sciences, Science (Honours Degree) 3 to 4 years, Architecture and Real Estate (Honours Degree) ) 3 and a half to 4 years, 3 to 4 years for computers, 4 years for dentistry, 4 years for engineering, 4 years for law, 5 years for medicine
5 years for postgraduate studies, 1 to 3 years for master's degree, 2 to 2 years for doctorate degree 5 years.
National University’s tuition fees will be fully increased in three years starting from the new academic year in July. Undergraduate tuition fees range from S$5,500 to S$15,450 per year, rising by S$150 per year, depending on the course chosen. Students can apply for a tuition loan with a tuition fee of up to RMB 80 and a repayment period of 20 years. The loan does not bear interest during the period of study. The annual research fees for graduate students range from S$2,500 to S$3,150, while the annual tuition fees for postgraduate students who focus on coursework range from S$3,600 to S$12,000. From July 2001, it will be increased in three years, with an annual increase of 350 yuan. The executive-level Master of Business Administration (MBA) program charges a total course fee of S$36,000.
Foreign students pay 10% more tuition than local students.
The cost of studying abroad at the National University of Singapore mainly includes the following categories:
1. Living expenses:
Estimated monthly living expenses (Singapore dollars): 1,000 yuan, Equivalent to RMB 60,000/year (accommodation: SGD 500-600; meals: SGD 250-400; transportation and personal expenses: SGD 100-300).
2. Exam-related fees:
1) Registration fee: SGD 50
2) Entrance examination fee: To be updated
3) Project service fee: RMB 20,000 (if you are not admitted, 15,000 yuan will be refunded; if you are admitted and give up, no refund will be given)