The reason why you can't borrow money is often the wrong way to borrow money. When you need money badly, you usually belong to the kind with a large amount. When you want to borrow a large sum of money from a person, many people can't take it out. So in this case, you have to divide a few small sums from the large sum and borrow them from different friends. In this case, every friend will lend you a little, and the amount will be complete when you have borrowed it all.
2 The second suggestion, benefits.
Not everyone can lend you money for free, especially a large sum of money. When you can't borrow money, it's often the reason why you can't convince others to lend you money. Human feelings and interests sometimes coexist. So, when you want to borrow money from others, you must pay it back.
The third suggestion, credit card.
Credit cards are easy for many people. As long as they fill in some necessary conditions that meet the requirements of the bank, they can apply for a credit card for you. The credit card may give you cash as long as you pay the corresponding procedures.
The fourth suggestion, mortgage, mortgage.
Mortgage is equivalent to a pawn in ancient times. You take your valuables, such as gold, silver, jewelry, cars, watches and other items to the pawnshop to pawn. Pawnshops can change the value of goods into money as long as you can redeem them within the specified time.
5 Fifth suggestion, cash out.
The so-called cash-out, refers to those who can only spend money online, cash out the money in some way, this way must be carried out with acquaintances, do not believe that strangers can help you cash out.
Sixth suggestion, loan.
Loan, actually, I don't recommend others to do it. After all, it's not a good suggestion, but it's ok in an emergency, but you must borrow money from a regular company. If you can, you can borrow money from an acquaintance and pay it back within the specified time.
Matters needing attention
Note 1, credit card, cash, mortgage pawn and loan must be handled by a regular company.
Note 2: Money is very important. Wherever you go, please don't do anything illegal because of money.