2. Get a credit report from a micro program such as Xiaotian Quick Check, sort out your debts, and figure out how much you owe. If you don't owe much and your credit is good, you can apply for a regular large loan to pay off all the small loans in installments, and you can still negotiate with the platform for relief during the repayment process. If you choose to do this, you must ensure that this large loan can pay off all the small loans, otherwise you must not borrow. In addition, you must choose this solution when you have a fixed income, and your income can repay this large loan every month. Otherwise, this will only aggravate your debt and get you deeper.
3. In fact, the borrowers who want to go ashore are basically people who can't borrow money. Because all the platforms that can be borrowed have been borrowed, they really can't borrow money, and there is nothing at home to help repay, so they are looking forward to going ashore. So is it possible for these people to go ashore? Yes. This is also the fastest way, that is, forced landing. What is mandatory landing? That is, if you choose not to repay all the loans, don't care about your face at this time, and don't struggle for fear of being exposed to the address book. Think about it, in your current state, isn't it a matter of time before the address book is exposed? It's just that the time is different, and the result is the same. Therefore, if you choose compulsory earlier, you can go ashore earlier or get yourself out as soon as possible.