46.4 trillion. According to relevant information inquiries, Uzbekistan's UZA website quoted information from the Uzbek Economic Research and Reform Center on January 27. As of the end of 2022, the balance of real estate mortgage loans in Uzbekistan was 46.4 trillion soums (approximately US$4.1 billion), a year-on-year increase of 30%. . The number of real estate transactions that year exceeded 257,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%. The activity of the real estate market increased slightly. Among them, the second-hand housing and house rental markets were particularly active. The national average price of second-hand housing increased by 16.5%, and the increase in Tashkent reached 24%. At the same time, the rental price has also increased significantly. At the end of 2022, the average house rental price in Tashkent rose to 9.9 US dollars/square meter, an increase of 34.6% from the beginning of the year.