1. Repurchase guarantee is a special case when the laws of China real estate industry are imperfect. In practice, there is no disadvantage to developers. If the lending bank insists, it doesn't matter much if it is written in the agreement. But for banks, "repurchase guarantee" should be said to be meaningless and unprotected.
2. Guarantee refers to the agreement between the guarantor and the lender. When the borrower defaults or is unable to repay the loan, the guarantor will perform the debt or assume the responsibility according to the agreement. Legal persons and other organizations or citizens (natural persons) who have the ability to pay off debts on their behalf may serve as guarantors. For the guarantor guarantee, the borrower must have three or more guarantors as the loan repayment guarantee. As for the scope of creditor's rights secured by guarantee, there is no restriction in the laws of various countries in principle. Generally speaking, except for some creditor's rights with strong personal specificity that cannot be performed by others, they can be guaranteed.