Repaying the loan in advance is mainly to reduce interest, especially in the first few years of the loan, the principal base is large and the interest is correspondingly high. Therefore, in the first few years of the loan, especially in the first five years, we must strive for more repayment, so that the principal base of the total loan will be reduced and the interest burden of the remaining loans will be reduced.
According to the different repayment methods, the borrower can choose to reduce the term or amount. It is understood that at present, most banks can provide five ways to repay loans in advance for customers to choose from.
First, all loans are repaid in advance, that is, customers pay off all remaining loans at one time. (There is no need to repay the interest, but it will not be refunded if it is paid)
Second, a part of the loan will be repaid in advance, and the monthly repayment amount of the remaining loan will remain unchanged, thus shortening the repayment cycle. (save more interest)
Third, repay some loans in advance, reduce the monthly repayment amount of the remaining loans, and keep the repayment period unchanged. (Reduce the monthly payment burden, but less than the second type)
Fourth, repay some loans in advance, reduce the monthly repayment amount of the remaining loans and shorten the repayment cycle. (save more interest)
Fifth, the remaining loans keep the total principal unchanged and only shorten the repayment period. (The monthly payment will increase and the interest will decrease, but it is relatively uneconomical.)
Expert advice: Repay in advance, minimize the principal, shorten the loan period and pay less interest.