Repayment method of equal principal and interest of commercial loans: 200,000 yuan;
The total loan is 200,000 yuan.
Repayment months: 360 months
Monthly repayment 1 123.06 yuan.
Total interest paid is 204302. 17 yuan.
Total principal and interest is 404,302.17 yuan.
Average repayment method of commercial loans: 200,000 yuan;
The total loan is 200,000 yuan.
Repayment months: 360 months
First month repayment 1455.56 yuan.
Decreasing monthly: 2.50 yuan
Total interest paid 162450.00 yuan.
The total principal and interest is 362,450.00 yuan.
The repayment method of equal principal and interest of provident fund loan is 300,000 yuan:
The total loan is 300,000 yuan.
Repayment months: 360 months
Monthly repayment 1347+03 yuan.
Total interest paid 184968.26 yuan.
The total principal and interest is 484,968.26 yuan.
Average repayment method of provident fund loans: 300,000 yuan;
The total loan is 300,000 yuan.
Repayment months: 360 months
First month repayment 1708.33 yuan.
Decreasing monthly: 2.43 yuan
Total interest paid 157937.50 yuan.
The total principal and interest is 457,937.50 yuan.