After the personal loan is issued, it is necessary to handle the purchase contract, bank and purchase contract and the corresponding notarial certificate that the developer has completed the registration and filing. There are also bank cards for repayment, and some loan banks will issue a repayment bank card to the lender.
Different banks, different time periods and different approval times. For example, ICBC's mortgage approval time is generally 2-3 weeks, and 2-3 months is also acceptable when it is slow.
The first thing that the deferred materials need to pass the loan review is the value of the mortgaged property itself. According to the changes in the market, the properties in different locations, different environments and different locations in the city determine whether they meet the loan conditions.
The type and age of real estate are all factors to evaluate real estate, and the value of real estate is not determined according to the transaction price of buyers and sellers, so it needs to be evaluated by a professional evaluation company.
Secondly, for the loan applicants themselves, income sources, family status, social background, credit records, etc. are all objects that banks need to review.
If it is a second-hand housing transaction, the participation of guarantee companies is essential, and a formal professional guarantee company with good qualifications will bring more guarantee for the success of loans to buyers.
Baidu encyclopedia-house mortgage loan