Customers need to fill in personal data, repayment ability and other information, and the information must be true and effective. Only after passing the examination and approval can they get the loan information and accept the loan. At the same time, the customer needs to confirm that the repayment information filled in is true and legal, and ensure that the repayment is received. The bank will make a risk assessment based on the customer's credit records and information, and will refuse the loan request if the risk is too high.
What is the loan interest rate and term of mobile phone loan?
Different from traditional loans, the loan interest rate and term of mobile phone loans are relatively more personalized and flexible. Generally speaking, the shorter the loan term, the higher the interest rate; The longer the term, the lower the interest rate. In addition, different banks or internet financial institutions have different interest rates and maturities. Related to this are the provisions on prepayment and overdue repayment. Customers need to know more about the loan terms and regulations of the financial institutions they choose.