Nowadays, personal information is becoming more and more important in society. Personal information will be used in more and more places, not only for bank cards, but also for advertisements, loans and companies. Personal information is very important for individuals. Once information is leaked, it is likely to have an economic impact and reputation impact on this person, and even affect a person in credit reporting. YTO Express Company was interviewed and ordered to rectify this matter because YTO Express Company leaked users' personal information. However, China is now paying more and more attention to the protection of personal information, so Yuantong Company will be required to rectify this business involving personal information.
1. YTO Express Company leaked the personal information of users
There is a news story about Yuantong? A mole? As a result, 4, pieces of personal information were leaked, and a large amount of important personal information was illegally resold. What is exasperating is that the user's personal sensitive information is worth less than 1 yuan's money. Such a large amount of personal information has been infringed by reselling, and the rights and interests of a large number of people have been infringed. Therefore, YTO Express Company needs to be responsible for this incident, rectify its internal rules, take good care of its employees and protect its customers' information. Second, users' personal information is valued and protected by the state
In this information-based society, our personal information is used in many places. When paying, we can use fingerprints or face scans, and any part of us may become an important personal information. When our personal information is leaked, it will cause great losses, so the state has also begun to pay attention to and protect citizens' personal information. Third, our personal information will be infringed
After our personal information is leaked, it is likely to be invaded by spam messages, or registered as a legal person of a leather bag company, and it is more likely that criminals will use it to steal our credit and money, which will make us suffer more losses. It is urgent to keep personal information confidential.