Loan funds are risky and generally not desirable. It is really certain that you can repay the loan and achieve profitability. This is a risky decision, so how risky is it? There are many uncertainties in shopping malls, and there are also many unpredictable uncertainties in the objective economic environment. You don't have enough business experience, even no experience at all. Once an accident happens, it will make you worse and fall into a desperate situation. If the loan amount is 65,438+0,20,000 yuan, it is not enough for you and your family to be able to bear this unexpected risk. Because the loan bears interest. Even if you are sure of success, you might as well raise money from friends and relatives. Therefore, I advise you to be cautious. The best safe way is to start from a small age, start from a small vendor, gradually accumulate and expand the scale of operation. Don't fantasize about becoming a millionaire at once. First of all, make a plan according to your own conditions and start a business with small capital. For example, if you invest thousands of dollars in a small business, even so, you should consider the risks. For example, selling clothes, shoes and socks, such goods are not too risky. If we can't sell it this year, we can continue to sell it next year. If it is seafood and other commodities, we should consider the risks. Because such goods cannot be sold, they will not be fresh after a long time. If it is fresh vegetables, fruits and other commodities, if the quantity is not large, you can not sell the rest, or you can eat it yourself. My child once offered to open a pharmacy. I told you you can't do this. Because pharmacies invest a lot, and the relevant departments have strict hygiene requirements, especially the drugs themselves are time-sensitive, and once they expire, they will lose money. If it is a chain store, because of its high market share, it can be sold here, and it can adjust the surplus and deficiency and sell in different places.
There is a business joke: the wife who sells oil always hides some oil behind her husband's back. During the Chinese New Year, the family can't open the pot. The clever and capable wife took out the hidden oil and let Kao Gong take it to the market to sell it for the New Year, thus saving the urgent need. A woman who sells imperial calendars also knows this story. When the Spring Festival was difficult, the wife took out her hidden imperial calendar and asked her husband to take it to the market to sell it. He was dumbfounded with anger and could not speak for a long time.
Doing business is learned. You can find out how rich people start businesses online, or ask experienced people for advice. If you have the conditions, you'd better learn some economic professional knowledge in a down-to-earth manner. I wish you success in starting a business!