If there is an unpaid debt, the debt must be paid off immediately. Check the amount owed on your credit card. If the amount owed is large and you cannot repay the entire amount at the moment, you can apply for installment repayment to reduce the pressure of repayment.
Hubei Consumer Finance is a consumer finance company established with the approval of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. It has a formal consumer finance license and its main shareholder is Hubei Bank. Therefore, Hubei Consumer Finance is a loan platform that meets the credit requirements. After you obtain a loan from Hubei Consumer Finance, you must repay and use the money in strict accordance with the regulations.
In addition to credit reporting at meetings, Hubei Consumer Finance also has other punitive measures for people whose loans are overdue, which will also cause debtors to be very distressed. Including:
1. On the first day when the borrower becomes overdue, Hubei Consumer Finance will begin to charge overdue fees from the borrower in accordance with the proportion stipulated in the contract.
2. Hubei Consumer Finance will lower the comprehensive credit score based on the borrower's overdue degree until the debtor is blacklisted.
3. Hubei Consumer Finance will arrange staff or third-party collection agencies to collect debts.
4. When the overdue behavior is very bad, Hubei Consumer Finance will entrust a lawyer to collect the debt through legal channels.
5. If there is fraud in the borrowing behavior, Hubei Consumer Finance will choose to report to the public security organs.