Postal savings bank business, so when you apply, you will definitely check the customer's credit information. Even if your qualifications are up to standard, your application will definitely be rejected if your credit information is not good. If you still have the remaining loan business of the Postal Savings Bank, you cannot apply for this loan product.
The loan under the Postal Savings Bank is still very humanized. There are many ways to repay a loan. You can choose equal principal and interest, one-time repayment of principal and interest, or regular repayment of interest, and one-time repayment of principal after maturity. According to your own demand for funds, choose the appropriate repayment method.
The interest-free loan of Postal Savings Bank belongs to the financial discount loan product, which is mainly a small secured loan for users who need funds for starting a business. This product is not really interest-free, but the borrower himself does not need to pay the interest fee, and the interest is subsidized by the local government. Therefore, not all postal savings banks have interest-free loans, and only postal savings banks in areas where the government has subsidy policies have interest-free loan projects.
The customer groups targeted by the Postal Savings Bank's interest-free loan for starting a business are self-occupied entrepreneurs, college graduates, retired soldiers, land-lost farmers, returning migrant workers and so on. Self-employment and aquaculture activities need loan funds.
On the premise that local governments have financial subsidies, borrowers need to meet the following conditions before they can apply for an interest-free loan of 654.38 million yuan in the Postal Savings Bank:
1. The borrower is over 18 and under 50, and has full capacity for civil conduct;
2. The loan funds need to be used for legitimate production and business activities, and the projects engaged in have development potential, and the borrower can provide relevant certificates such as tax registration certificate and industrial and commercial business license;
3. The borrower has a fixed residence address or business premises in the handling unit;
4. The borrower has the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan, and can provide valid financial certificates recognized by the bank or collateral and guarantor;
5. The borrower is law-abiding, has a good credit status and has no bad personal credit record;
6. The borrower has opened a settlement account in the postal bank, and the postal bank handles daily settlement and other businesses;
7. The borrower also needs to meet other conditions stipulated by the bank.