Regardless of monthly income, what car to buy depends on your budget. Because now many cars can be zero down payment, if you buy a car of 50 thousand, it will be about 70 thousand. Generally, the down payment is 30%, not to mention the specific amount, and then the monthly payment is 2 100 months less. According to the three-year period, you should have a general idea.
Geely Vision X 1, which is a small SUV. The lowest bid in official website is 39,900 yuan, which means that the car needs about 50,000 yuan on the road, and the down payment is only 8,000 yuan. If calculated according to 20%, the monthly payment is about 1 1,000 yuan. Of course, it says here that a loan is needed. Visual X 1 This car is ok as a whole, and the model is relatively novel. Then there are four versions for you to choose from, both manual and automatic, depending on what you choose. The appearance is also younger, which is a new choice for the younger generation. Geely is also a good enterprise with great vitality. Moreover, since the acquisition of Volvo, Geely's independent research and development capability has been steadily rising, and design has attracted more and more attention. Just look at the sales of their job. The other is the fuel consumption of this car. The displacement of this car is between 1.0- 1.3l, which is completely economical. In addition, some riders have tested the comprehensive performance of this car. When the new car goes up the mountain road, the high speed will not float, which may be a little noisy, but the price is here. You can't have it both ways, can you? You can choose this car if you have any suggestions.
Jianghuai Ruifeng S2 Mini or FAW senya S80 are also at this price. You can compare them comprehensively and then buy the vehicle that suits you best.