It is different from a credit card. Credit cards can pay the minimum amount and are not overdue. Credit cards also have a three-day grace period, as long as they are not overdue before 6 pm on the third day after the expiration. On the first day when the living expenses of the US Mission are overdue, there will be a penalty interest.
At present, the overdue penalty interest of the US Mission's living expenses is much higher than the loan interest. 2. Meituan's living expenses is a loan platform for checking credit information. Therefore, if the living expenses of the US Mission are overdue for a long time, it will definitely affect its own central bank credit information. Once the credit information of the central bank leaves a stain, it will take five years for everyone to get rid of it, during which it will be very difficult to apply for loans and credit cards. 3. If the living expenses of Meituan are seriously overdue, it is likely to be banned by Meituan Company.
In the future, you can not only stop applying for the living expenses of the US delegation, but also use mobike without a deposit. 4. If the borrower refuses to repay the loan within the time limit, it is likely to repay the living expenses of the Meituan through legal channels. At that time, the debtor will not only be seized of property, but also become a "Lao Lai".
After the deadline, bad records will be recorded in the company's credit information system. The following situations will be recorded in the bad credit record: 1, and the credit card is overdue for three consecutive times (or accumulated for six times in two years). 2. The monthly payment is overdue or overdue for 2 to 3 months. 3. The monthly payment of the car loan is overdue for 2 to 3 months or has not been returned. 4. If the loan interest rate increases, the "monthly payment" will still be paid according to the original amount, resulting in overdue interest. 5. If you don't use the "Sleep Credit Card" after activation, there will be an annual fee. If you don't pay, you will have a bad credit record. 6. Credit card overdrafts and mortgage loans are not repaid on time. 7. When providing a guarantee for a third party, the third party fails to repay the loan on time. 10, personal credit card cashing behavior. 1 1. Outstanding student loans. 12. Mobile phone charges are linked to bank card charges. After the mobile phone was stopped, the relevant procedures were not handled, and the monthly fee was overdue. 13. Credit card arrears records are generated by others with their own ID cards or copies of their ID cards.