Student loans are interest-free during school. If you choose to pay off in one lump sum after graduation, you need to pay a certain penalty. For users, student loans have a grace period of five years after graduation. Within five years after graduation, users only need to return the principal, not the interest, so it is not the most cost-effective to pay it off at one time after graduation.
If you want to pay off the student loan in one lump sum after graduation, you need to submit an application for paying off in advance, and then deposit the repayment funds into Alipay account at the specified time, and then wait for the system to deduct money. If the balance deposited in Alipay is insufficient, it will only be regarded as the user's prepayment, rather than paying off all the loans at one time.
Because the student loan is paid off in one lump sum, it requires the loan students to have strong repayment ability, so most loan students choose to repay part of the principal in advance, and only a few loan students choose to repay the loan principal in advance.
And interests.
Extended data ↓
The repayment method of student-origin student loan is as follows:
1, Alipay repayment:
(1) You can recharge your student loan Alipay account before June1~ 20th of each month, and the system will deduct the corresponding funds from the account for repayment from June 2 1 to the end of each month;
(2) Log in to Alipay official website by computer, find the student loan repayment in the application center, select I want to repay, and follow the instructions on the page.
2. Manual repayment: the loan applicant or * * * and the borrower bring the loan contract and identity documents to the local education bureau for repayment.
Repay with AliPay. After repayment, the repayment status of CDB system will not be updated until the end of the month. If you need to log in to the system, you can query at the end of the month or early next month.
If you have any questions about other student loans, you can also contact CDB hotline 95593 for consultation.
The above are the answers to related questions, I hope to adopt them, thank you!