Formal loan platforms usually don't charge pre-loan fees for any reason, so be vigilant when encountering them. If you need money urgently, you can consider using loans to relieve the pressure, and at the same time try your best to make money. There are many ways to apply for a loan now. You can apply for a loan from the bank by mortgage. A more convenient way is to apply for a personal credit loan. It is recommended that you choose a formal platform when applying for a loan to better protect your personal interests and information security.
Routine loan refers to the illegal act of inducing or forcing the victim to sign "loan" or "loan", "mortgage" and "guarantee" and other related agreements for the purpose of illegal possession by falsely increasing the loan amount, maliciously creating a breach of contract, arbitrarily identifying the breach of contract, and destroying the repayment evidence, thus forming false creditor's rights and debts. And illegally occupy the victim's property by means of litigation, arbitration, notarization or violence or threats.
For the crime of "routine loan", if there is indeed evidence that three or more people form a relatively tight and fixed criminal organization and commit the crime of "routine loan" in a premeditated and planned way, and a criminal gang has been formed, it should be recognized as a criminal group. The essence of "routine loan" is a kind of fraud under the guise of private lending. "Routine loan" has already possessed the rudiment of knowledge-based crime, and even some legal practitioners have become the "consultants" of the perpetrators, giving them professional "legal guidance", improving the success rate of "false litigation" and obtaining high criminal profits.
legal ground
Article 214 of the Civil Procedure Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), if a creditor requests the debtor to pay money or securities, it may apply to the grassroots people's court with jurisdiction for a payment order if it meets the following conditions:
(1) There is no other debt dispute between the creditor and the debtor;
(2) Payment orders can be served on the debtor. The application shall specify the amount of money or securities required and the facts and evidence on which it is based. Article 215 After an application is filed by a creditor, the people's court shall notify the creditor whether to accept it or not within five days.