Please be alert to all kinds of strange phone fraud! Anyone who receives a strange remote manual phone call or automatic voice prompt phone call and a short message sent to you, claiming that you have won the lottery, can redeem points, can pay cash on delivery or pretend to be a company, shopping center, online shopping center, experience center, etc. Or pretend to be a court to sue you, and pretend to be a police, social security and medical insurance center, bank, post office, tax bureau, electric power company, telecom company and other units, claiming that your bank card is suspected of committing a crime, your social security card is abnormal, your medical insurance card is in arrears, you can get a tax refund, the post office has mail, your fixed broadband is abnormal, or you can guess who he is, pretend to be your boss, or even pretend to be a triad threat. , are the lowest typical scam, please ignore!
In short, strange phone calls are either sales promotion or fraud, especially numbers with "+"and "00" in front, 400 or 950 phones and mobile phone numbers in different places are basically scams. Many abnormal numbers are dialed by scammers using number change software, so it's best to ignore them, don't call back, don't believe them, and don't remit or transfer money! So as not to be cheated! Please carefully screen the netizens, beware of being deceived, and remind friends and relatives around you, especially the middle-aged and elderly people at home, not to be deceived when receiving such calls! The best way to intercept harassing and fraudulent phone calls and text messages is to install mobile guards, which can avoid harassment and fraud to a great extent!
Intellectual heroes who are interested in anti-fraud come and join the anti-fraud alliance team. Please click on the anti-fraud alliance below to apply to join, answer questions and help others together, so that the world can be cheated without you!