Secondly, it depends on your ability to pay. When approving loans, banks should not only look at their credit status, but also look at their repayment ability. So, if you don't have a regular job, you can't provide work income, bank account, etc. Then you will be judged by the bank as "unable to repay the mortgage" and you are not eligible to apply for a housing mortgage loan.
The third depends on whether the property can be mortgaged in the name of others. Besides your own property, other people's property will also be confirmed by the bank. However, in order to prevent legal disputes, the mortgage must obtain the consent of the property owner and provide written documents to ensure that the bank will not suspect. If you mortgage the house to the owner without authorization, then the bank will not agree. Many people have just applied for a sum of money and want to pay it back in advance. However, according to the regulations, if you want to repay in advance, it must take more than one year, and you must pay interest for more than six months within one year.
The above is about whether the commercial housing in Dongguan can be mortgaged. Commercial housing in Dongguan can be mortgaged. In addition, when applying for a loan, the matters needing attention include the credit status and payment ability of the lender, so the loan should be made according to relevant laws and policies.