This is probably the most common question: How long does it take to create an application? Or another change-how many hours does it take to make a microfinance APP?
However, although this is a common problem, it is difficult and complicated. We often respond-what results do you expect? In mobile development (at least in our company), the result is not the time spent, but a fully functional and fully functional product.
The Internet is a magical big network, and big data development and software customization are also a model. A detailed quotation is provided here. You can come here if you really want to do it. The starting number of this hand is one, with one, one, three, three and four in the middle. You can find it by combining them in order. What I want to say is, unless you want to do or understand this, if you just join in the fun, don't come.
It all depends on what you want-we can make a one-click micro-loan APP in one day, or spend months developing a client-server bank micro-loan APP. As you know, the time may be different.
In fact, you can complete the consideration of the theme of the article. However, if you know us, we must try to find the truth and explain everything in detail. So, fasten your seat belts and get ready to take off!
Although almost everyone is facing the phenomenon of micro-loan APP today, not everyone understands the content of its development process. This misunderstanding is not good for the whole enterprise, including customers and executives. Therefore, we have undertaken such an important mission-trying to briefly explain the development progress and the whole development of microfinance APP.
The first problem is that sometimes customers don't know the complexity of some functions and the implementation of micro-loan APP. He may not have a dedicated team of developers, so he decided to outsource.
And it's getting worse! Because not everyone is proficient in the complexity of creating a microfinance APP, it is sometimes difficult to explain that under any circumstances, the deadline for delivering a multifunctional microfinance APP using a huge database cannot exceed 2-3 days. Especially when you need multiple platforms. Shocking-Android and iOS need a special development method, but it's a pity that you can't just "move" the code.
Don't forget that the development of micro-loan APP is not just about writing code, but also many different processes.
In Jinhesheng, we divide the process of creating micro-loan APP into several closely related stages. Each of the following points involves many professionals, who have gained substantive knowledge in specific fields through a lot of practice. We believe that the development of products has the following order of complete competition:
1. Preliminary estimation;
2. analysis;
3. Prototype design;
4. Design concept;
5. Design and development;
6. programming;
7. Testing, quality assurance/quality control;
8. Release/project transfer.
On the basis of these development stages, it is obvious that the development business of micro-loan APP is not very fast, and it is very expensive in time. For multi-platform microfinance APP, steps 4-8 must be repeated for each selected platform. Because each mobile platform has its own characteristics, and how to approach the details of interface design and direct coding.
Let's take a closer look at some of the above development stages.
In fact, in our company, this step is considered to be the biggest and most complicated step (of course, after the development, our developers used special magic). We divide it into several additional sub-stages so that we can use the most accurate method to determine the appropriate goals and requirements.
First, we listen to the ideas that customers want to implement. Then we ask questions about future plans. For example, how do you plan to use the micro-loan APP, some questions about the target audience, whether it is needed, what kind of profit method to use, and so on.
If you want to hire a team to develop your own microfinance application, you need to answer or just consider these questions:
-What goals have you set for yourself? Do you want to attract new customers to express yourself, or do you want to use new technology to promote your brand? -What will you sell in the microfinance application, and is it free? If not-whether the customer is willing to pay for it; ? The key point to think about-monetization method. -Who is your target audience, and what are the ways to attract/promote them? -Consider the budget. -How much are you willing to spend to develop and further promote this product?
If some terms seem complicated, please send us an email and we will help you!
Everything here is simple. At this stage, we consider the logic of micro-loan APP and create a preliminary screen sketch.
Specifically, the development begins now, because here we have determined the number of screens, put forward the position and status alarm of navigation buttons, and described the behavior of objects and the actions performed by users.
Since the logic of the main microfinance APP has been thinking before writing the code, let's describe the behavior of the microfinance APP under different types of use.
After the successful completion of the first few stages, the project will eventually be directly handed over to the developer according to the developer's experience and the selected programming language and framework, thus becoming the basic magic of the project. Of course, according to the approved terms of reference.
We dare to say that this action is also very interesting, because developers can create amazing things from scratch, which can greatly simplify our lives, or get rid of annoying appointments and automatically complete any daily tasks.
Testing, quality assurance/quality control
One of the most needed steps, without which it is impossible to produce high-quality products. In our company, products have gone through many stages of testing and quality control in different development stages: from the beginning to the release and after.
Our quality assurance experts are looking for any kind of nonconformity and possible mistakes, rather than giving developers the opportunity to make mistakes. At least in the next version. Just kidding.
Testing and quality control are necessary to ensure that the micro-loan APP meets the technical design specifications, has appropriate quality, and interacts with hardware platforms and users in a correct way.
Exhibition and publication
The final stage of microfinance application development (excluding the time period supported after the release of the microfinance application) runs the life cycle of the project, because the microfinance application may be used by your customers and target audience after it is released in the store.
After all major stages of development and testing are completed, all functions are written, all errors are corrected, and customers are satisfied and approve the release, it usually disappears. For the team developing the product, this is the most touching moment-they release their offspring and always worry and care about its quality.
After writing such an adult article, we still haven't said the average time to build a microfinance APP. We think it is too personal and full of many aspects that affect the progress and development time. But we try to calculate a tentative schedule.
The first item in the list lasts for 2 days on average, and a complete analysis may take one working week, that is, 5 days. Paragraphs 3-5 last from 1 to several working weeks. Programming and testing can easily take several months, depending on the complexity of the project output (for example, the micro-loan APP in a single screen and the one-button day we will build).