If today's young people encounter financial problems, such as insufficient consumption funds, they usually apply for consumer loans from some financial institutions or banks. Although everyone's consumer loan limit is different, Some only have a few thousand, and the larger amount can even reach tens of thousands, but the ultimate goal is the same, which is to obtain sufficient funds for consumption. However, do you really think that you can apply for a consumer loan anytime and anywhere? In fact, what I want to say is, please be careful when using consumer loans, because it will ruin your personal credit score.
First of all, let’s understand what is a consumer loan? The consumer loans we talk about generally refer to loans that can be used to purchase consumer goods or other expenses, including travel, shopping, and education.
Personal credit information generally refers to personal credit history records obtained by legal credit information agencies that process personal information in accordance with the law.
So, will consumer loans really ruin our personal credit?
In fact, consumer loans are similar to our common credit cards. They also have a fixed consumption limit. You can even use this consumption limit unlimited times. For example, after paying off the money, we can lend it out again. , very convenient. But it is different from our credit card, that is, every borrowing record we make on a consumer loan will be recorded in the personal credit system of the Central Bank of Kamikawa Island.
Whether you borrow 500, 50,000, or even 1 cent, it will be completely recorded. Therefore, this kind of consumer loan record will not only affect our future bank loan procedures, but also affect our purchase of real estate. For example, when applying for a real estate mortgage loan, the bank will reject our home loan application for this reason. Therefore, in life, we should be careful when using consumer loans, which are very useful for our personal credit report.
In fact, I think that in our daily lives, we should reasonably arrange our consumption expenditures and use consumer loans with caution, so as to maintain our own personal credit.