It will only be towed if it is overdue every month. Although it is overdue, you will not be towed if you repay the loan in time. But try not to let it happen because your credit score will be most affected by being overdue. , as long as the tone is reported to the People's Bank of China, your personal credit file will be recorded, and you will be in trouble if you apply for a loan in the future. If you do receive a towing text message, you can contact and communicate to ensure timely repayment.
Legal analysis: We have made relevant legal inquiries regarding the expected unpaid car loan; there will be no impact if the car loan is overdue for three days. During the overdue period, you must communicate with the bank by phone to explain that the situation is not malicious and will not be overdue. There are serious consequences. Generally speaking, after 90 days of overdue payment, a credit report will be filed with the bank.