Users must pay attention to the interest charged by the platform when borrowing money online. If they charge more interest, they should handle the loan carefully. Too much interest may lead to overdue repayment, which will result in penalty interest. After overdue repayment, the platform will collect it.
When you apply for a loan online, you should compare different platforms and then choose the one with low interest rate. But when choosing a platform, we should pay attention to its regularity. Common lending platforms include Baidu Spending Money, Lending Treasure, Micro-loan and 360 Loan. When borrowing, the loan amount given by different platforms is different.
It should be noted that the overdue loans handled by the formal platform will be uploaded to the credit information center, and personal credit information will affect the handling of various loans, such as car loans or mortgages. After the arrears are returned, this overdue record will be kept in the credit information for 5 years, and will automatically disappear after 5 years.