If you are sure that you are caught in a campus loan, don't be blindly afraid, repay, and call the police for help first. For the problem of violent collection of peer-to-peer lending platforms, in any case, the police are right.
It is necessary to strengthen the study of financial knowledge and improve the ability of discrimination and awareness of prevention. At present, there are too many swindlers and too many routines. If you are not careful, you will be fooled, so you must be vigilant in some aspects involving money.
We should learn to consume rationally, not be vain, and not expect things that we can't afford now.
China's laws prohibit schools from developing campus loans. Just because it is difficult to obtain evidence, some lawless elements will play the edge of the law, so once they find themselves cheated, they must call the police.
The law clearly stipulates that if the interest rate agreed between the borrower and the borrower exceeds the annual interest rate of 36%, the loan student can refuse to repay at high interest rate. If it exceeds, you can get this part of the repayment back through legal means.