When a bank handles a loan for repayment, it needs to repay the old loan interest. The loan principal can be reapplied for repayment, but the interest must be settled. The repayment methods of general bank loans are equal principal and interest method and average capital method.
No matter which way the repayment person takes, the repayment person must pay off the interest on the bank loan. Banks handle loans for borrowers to repay old debts, focusing on borrowers' ability to repay loan principal and interest and personal credit records.
If the borrower's credit is not good, the bank will refuse to handle the loan for the borrower. When the borrower's credit is good, the bank needs the borrower to provide proof of repayment ability. As long as the repayment person can repay the principal and interest on time, the bank will handle the loan for the repayment person again.
Banks can only borrow new loans to repay the principal. Different banks have different regulations on loan repayment, and the repayment needs to consult the loan bank for specific regulations. Banks handle loans for borrowers in order to repay old debts, which cannot be used for investment, stock trading or gambling.