If you buy a full car, you can just pay for it. If you buy a car with a loan, you need to pay interest and various handling fees. When the interest and various handling fees are added together, it will be more expensive than buying a car in full 10% in the end. Therefore, when buying a car, you should choose the full amount or loan according to your own situation.
To buy a car in full, you need to take out all the car purchase money. If you don't have enough money for your beloved car, you can't buy it. However, there is no such trouble with a loan to buy a car. Loans can help car buyers enjoy convenience in advance and repay loans on time, regardless of money. Moreover, the loan to buy a car, suddenly took out a sum of money. In case of unexpected events in other periods, there would be no such trouble in buying a car with a loan. Therefore, the loan to buy a car is more flexible in terms of capital requirements.
Generally, you need to buy a car in full, and other insurance can be purchased according to your own wishes, but this is not the case with car loans, because buying a car with loans is to spend money from banks or loan companies in advance. In order to ensure the benefits, they will let the car buyers buy all the insurance, so that they will not suffer losses due to accidents or other things.
The traffic in big cities is usually very crowded; Especially during rush hours, the speed of taking a tram may far exceed the speed of driving. We take a taxi on the way to work. If there is a traffic jam, we can settle the fare directly and get off and leave. In this way, we still have time to take other means of transportation so as not to be late. But if you drive by yourself, you can only be blocked and move slowly like a snail, so there is a great possibility of being late.
And in big cities, there are very convenient public transportation, especially subways. So if you are drifting north, I personally suggest taking a taxi or taking public transportation to and from work.