Loan students have other bank cards. As long as the issuing bank of the bank card has a cooperative relationship with Alipay, it can bind the bank card to Alipay account, and after binding to Alipay account, it can directly repay with the bank card. Alipay has cooperative relations with most banks. If it is not displayed when the card is tied, it means that the user's bank card does not support binding Alipay. At this time, please change other bank cards to complete the binding.
The maximum number of verifications for signing a contract with the same card number on the same day is only 15, which has reached the upper limit. Please try tying the card again the next day.
First, the student loan extension process:
1. Log in to the student loan information network of China Development Bank, select the online service system for students (the source of students), click Enter, and enter the ID number and password to enter the system;
2. Select the loan application and click the Add button in the dialog box that appears;
3. Fill in the application information in the pop-up dialog box, and then click Submit;